Thursday, July 1, 2010

Life on the road "Cont. to should I tell the truth story"

 Well, this is a continuance to the blog I wrote previously titled " Should I tell the truth or not" My friend that I told the truth about her boyfriend cheating on her, She is faced with another delima now. The girl in which her boyfriend was having the affair with, has annoucned that she is pregnant. Wow! I had a feeling this would happen. I tried to tell him to be careful about sleeping with this girl. I told him that she was the type that was looking for a way out of her messed up relationship with her own husband. So his cheating doesn't only affect his own relationship with his girlfriend " my friend", it also affect another family. I hope my husband's co-worker has learned his lesson on the affects cheating will bring to a relationship or family. One can only hope that all parties can resolve this issue in a civil manner for the two children already involved and the one that may soon be involved in 9mths or so.

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